Apart from streaming iPhone screen to PC, FonePaw ScreenMo can also record videos of iPhone screen activities directly to computer. After setting things up, you’ll be able to view your iPhone’s screen on your Windows 10 PC. You can also control the device using the mouse and keyboard connected to your computer. What this means is you can book an Uber without even touching your iPhone.
Go to your PC, launch the VNC viewer, and enter the IP address you just wrote down. Then, you’ll see your iPhone show up on your PC display. Now, you can completely control your iPhone from your PC.
To change the screen mirroring quality and screenshot settings, click on the Settings icon on the Start screen. You can change the quality, screenshot format and the folder where you save the screenshots. Now, whatever you do on your iPhone or iPad displays in the AirPlay receiver window, including music and videos. You can enlarge the window to make the content from your device larger on your PC’s screen. Screen Mirroring on Android without Wi-Fi is one of the crucial considerations before you try mirroring.
To record the iPhone or iPad display with LonelyScreen, click on the Start recording option at the bottom of the window. If you get a browser prompt that blocks the installation, just select Private networks and click on Allow access buttonPress the Fix it button. Tap “Stop Mirroring” to stop casting your phone screen to your TV. Ignore yourself showing up on your Mac’s screen and click on that down-arrow icon next to the red record button. LonelyScreen is just one of the many apps that let you use AirPlay on your incompatible devices. If it doesn’t work for you for some reason, you have a few other alternatives available as well such as X-Mirage.
This is done with the help of the Dell Mobile Connect app which now support screen-mirroring. After you mirror the screen of your iPhone to your Dell computer you will be able to command it with the help of the computer’s mouse and keyboard. You will have to first download and install Lonely Screen executable from lonelyscreen.com. This will also install Bonjour software which is essential for AirPlay. We have to mention that LonelyScreen is not free, but offers subscription-based plans – so you will have to use the Trial version.